Regine has been practicing Astrology for over 35 years. She also uses Tarot and Tantric Numerology as guides in her readings. Her articles have been published by Merlian News and Totally Wholistic. Combining deep insight with compassion, she will help you to better understand the unique and beautiful story of your Natal Chart.
Regine Urbach is an IAYT certified Kundalini Yoga Therapist and KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She is an intuitive energy healer and works extensively with meditation, mantra, sound current, breath work and specific sets of targeted physical exercises to shift energy blockages and bring light to your entire being. She teaches in NYC and does private consultations.
Regine is also an accomplished musician and dancer, as well as a Macrobiotic cook.
Drawing by Natalia Koren Kropf
My psychic cat, Kuan Yin
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